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BURLINGTON, MA—May 16, 2024—RSA, the security-first identity leader, announced today that KuppingerCole Analysts AG has named RSA an Overall Leader, Innovation Leader, and Market Leader in its 2024 Identity Fabrics Leadership Compass Report, which provides CISOs, CIOs, and security teams with key insights into the vendors that can “deliver the full range of identity services required by an organization.

アメリカの 2024 KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Identity Fabrics comes at a key moment in cybersecurity. More organizations than ever have adopted multi-factor authentication (MFA), which is a critical cybersecurity component but insufficient as a singular defense against emerging threats. Recent data breaches—including the ransomware attack that reportedly cost MGM Resorts $100 million, the Colonial Pipeline breach, and the theft of access tokens—indicate that rather than attack MFA, cybercriminals target other phases in the identity lifecycle.

Those attacks validate KuppingerCole’s conclusion that a paradigm shift has transformed identity, and that vendors must be assessed on their capacity to deliver an end-to-end identity security platform to defend themselves from attacks. “The formerly classic corporate network with clearly defined ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ has given way to a massively hybrid, new IT reality,” the report notes. Given that shift, the report adds that identity and access management (IAM) “has emerged as the essential security infrastructure from which enterprises can facilitate new services, models, and forms of cooperation,” and that managing “identities and permissions in digital transformation is the key to security, governance, and audit,” as well as “system usability and user satisfaction.”

“KuppingerCole’s analysis showcases the centrality of identity in assuring cybersecurity and recognizes the market shift towards broader identity platforms. We continue to believe that—in addition to breadth—depth in security capability will be vital, and the future belongs to security-first identity platforms.” said RSA CEO Rohit Ghai. “The KuppingerCole Identity Fabrics Leadership Compass gives identity its due, validates the RSA Unified Identity Platform, and recognizes the progress RSA continues to make delivering authentication, access, governance, and lifecycle capabilities to security-first leaders.”

“The KuppingerCole Leadership Compass recognizes that being an identity vendor isn’t enough—to meet market demands and prevent data breaches, organizations must prioritize the few vendors that can provide all the components that an identity security platform requires,” said RSA Chief Product and Technology Officer Jim Taylor. “Both KuppingerCole’s Leadership Compass and some of the worst data breaches in recent memory underscore why organizations must always secure every phase of the identity journey—the Who, What, Why, When and Where. The KuppingerCole Leadership Compass provides transparent assessments of which vendors can sufficiently answer those questions—and by extension, which vendors can’t.”

The KuppingerCole Identity Fabrics Leadership Compass highlights several key strengths that RSA solutions deliver, including:

  • Support for new secure enrollment workflows in RSA ID Plus, such as support for third-party ID verification
  • Leading-edge access management capabilities
  • Strong support for a broad variety of authenticators
  • Many certified, out-of-the-box integrations for access management

RSA was named an Overall Leader, Market Leader, and Innovation Leader in the previous Identity Fabrics Leadership Compass レポート published in 2022. The most recent Leadership Compass noted improvements in the usability and interoperability of RSA solutions.


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AIを活用したRSA Unified Identity Platform(次世代型統合アイデンティティプラットフォーム)は、今⽇および将来の⾮常にリスクの⾼いサイバー攻撃から組織を保護するために、世界で最も安全な環境を提供します。RSA 社は脅威の予防、アクセスの確保、コンプライアンスを実現するために必要なアイデンティティインテリジェンス、認証、アクセス、ガバナンス&ライフサイクルの機能を提供します。9,000以上のセキュリティ重視の組織が、オンプレミス、ハイブリッド、マルチクラウド環境で6,000万以上のアイデンティティを管理するためにRSA 社のソリューションを利⽤しています。詳しくは、<a href="/ja/homepage"></a>/ をご覧ください。<span class="”d-none”">translated</span>