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  • SecurID experts will share insights on how accelerating cloud journeys, modern authentication options, and advancing zero trust cultivates resilience at RSA Conference 2021
  • Keynotes, panels, and on-demand sessions will highlight SecurID as the leading solution for customers seeking modern, passwordless experiences built in the cloud
  • RSA Conference 2021 guests can use Expo Pass Code 54SRSADE to receive a FREE Digital Expo pass and access to select keynotes, sessions, exhibits, and more

Bedford, MA – May 12, 2021 – SecurID, the trusted identity platform, today announced its speaking roster for next week’s RSA Conference 2021. By leading keynotes, panels, and other on demand sessions throughout the event, SecurID experts will share why Identity & Access Management (IAM) remains the ideal control plane for connecting users and data securely; highlight key product advancements and innovations; reveal how organizations can thrive in the digital world; and demonstrate that SecurID is ideal for organizations seeking modern, passwordless solutions built in the cloud.

“Over the last year, businesses everywhere have learned how critical it is to cultivate resilience by accelerating their cloud journeys, leveraging a full range of modern authentication options, and using zero trust strategies to simplify identity security. I’m thrilled that SecurID will share its unique perspectives on these fundamentally important topics at RSA Conference 2021 and help set the global cybersecurity agenda for the next year,” said Rohit Ghai, CEO RSA.

RSA Conference 2021 attendees can follow these links to learn more about SecurID’s speaking engagements and to add these sessions to their schedules:

Keynote: A Resilient Journey (Rohit Ghai, RSA CEO) – May 17 at 8:00 a.m. PT – Rohit Ghai will kick-off RSA Conference 2021 with an opening keynote that looks back on an unprecedented year and makes critical recommendations for how security teams can prepare for the future. His remarks will touch on a variety of identity related topics, including zero trust, digital transformation, and risk-based, continuous multifactor authentication.

Keynote: Identity Resilience (Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan, RSA Chief Digital Officer) – May 18 at 10:50 a.m. PT – Dr. Ramzan’s keynote will review the risks that businesses face in managing remote employees and addressing supply chain complexity. In his remarks, Dr. Ramzan will discuss how identity security underpins each of these risks, and how increased identity security can help businesses manage identities, control access, and advance security.

Session: Breaking Down Borders – Adjusting to the New Normal in IAM – Hansel Oh, SecurID, an RSA Business – May 18 at 11:35 a.m. PT – Over the last year, work-from-home went from being an occasional job perk to a permanent necessity. During this session, Hansel Oh will discuss how this sudden shift has led to rapid changes in IAM best practices, IAM strategies, and how organizations can embrace a perimeter-less future by implementing zero trust strategies.

OnDemand SecurID Sessions at the Digital Expo

After first signing-in to the RSA Conference 2021 Virtual Experience, guests can then view the RSA Digital Expo to schedule meetings with SecurID experts, register for raffle prizes, and sign up for the following SecurID OnDemand sessions:

  • Bootstrapping Trust with Verifiable Credentials (Kelly Fiedler, CMO, RSA; Justin Bingham, CTO, Janeiro Digital; Kevin Bowers, Senior Manager, Engineering Technologist, RSA; Brian Mullins, Software Senior Principal Engineer, RSA) – RSA Labs is using verifiable credentials to forge trusted relationships and redefine customer engagements. This session will explore a variety of verifiable credential use cases, including a pilot with the UK National Health Service.
  • The Way Forward: The IAM Journey to Zero Trust (Hansel Oh, Product Marketing and Alex Mcinerney, Product Specialist, SecurID, an RSA business) – After the pandemic struck, zero trust proved itself as an effective way for organizations to account for a growing attack surface and manage accelerated digital transformation. In this session, SecurID experts will demonstrate how organizations have adopted zero trust, how to map a business-driven zero trust IAM strategy, and how to continue advancing zero trust initiatives.

Guests may use the Expo Pass Code 54SRSADE when registering to receive a FREE digital expo pass that unlocks access to select keynotes and sessions, digital exhibit halls, and much more.

About SecurID


SecurID, an RSA business, empowers organizations to thrive in a digital world, with complete capabilities for modern authentication, lifecycle management and identity governance. SecurID is the trusted identity platform for 13,000 organizations around the world, managing 50 million identities and providing secure, convenient access to 30 million users.



Erin McAward