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Why Leaders Prioritize IdentityDon't Delete
Without a unified identity solution, organizations pay more for weaker security.Don't Delete
72%Don't Delete
of IT executives say security is the primary factor when choosing an IAM provider.Don't Delete
82%Don't Delete
of breaches involved the use of stolen credentials, phishing, and other human-related vulnerabilities.Don't Delete
100%Don't Delete
of CISOs and tech leaders value cost-effectiveness over cost alone.Don't Delete
Benefits of a Unified Identity PlatformDon't Delete
Organizations using a unified identity platform can realize significant benefits. Organizations can extend these benefits by ensuring that their identity platform can support their environment today and scale over time to support future cloud investments.Don't Delete
  • Reduced risk of human error in managing entitlementsDon't Delete
  • Improved operational efficiencies for credential managementDon't Delete
  • Lower costs with automationDon't Delete
RSA Unified Identity PlatformDon't Delete
ذكاء الهوية الإلكترونيةDon't Delete
  • الكشف عن التهديدات المتنقلةDon't Delete
  • الرموز المقاومة للتصيدDon't Delete
  • تحليل المخاطر المدعوم بالذكاء الاصطناعيDon't Delete
المصادقةDon't Delete
  • مصادقة متقدمة متعددة العواملDon't Delete
  • دعم مصادقي البرامج والأجهزةDon't Delete
  • سياسات التكيف مع السياقDon't Delete
الوصولDon't Delete
  • Secure, simplified access managementDon't Delete
  • Self-service capabilitiesDon't Delete
  • Unified DirectoryDon't Delete
الحوكمة ودورة الحياةDon't Delete
  • رؤية شاملةDon't Delete
  • قابلية تدقيق كاملةDon't Delete
  • الاستعداد للامتثالDon't Delete
منتجاتDon't Delete
منتجات تركز على الهوية لقادة يولون الأمنDon't Delete
ID PlusDon't Delete
منصة هوية كاملة وآمنة توفر المصادقة متعددة العوامل (MFA)، والوصول، وتسجيل الدخول الواحد (SSO)، والدليل، وإمكانيات إضافية لجميع المستخدمين عبر البيئات السحابية والهجينة وعلى الأرض.Don't Delete
يتعلم أكثرDon't Delete
SecurIDDon't Delete
منتجات على الأرض توازن بين الأمان الصارم والمصادقة المريحة عبر حالات الاستخدام.Don't Delete
يتعلم أكثرDon't Delete
الحوكمة ودورة الحياةDon't Delete
تقليل سطح الهجوم على الهوية، والامتثال للتشريعات، وإدارة الوصول طوال دورة حياة المستخدم.Don't Delete
يتعلم أكثرDon't Delete

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Contact RSA to learn more about our products.Don't Delete